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CASA of Lake and Sanders County Recognition of Dick and Carol Banghart

Monday, April 19, 2021
3:00 pm4:30 pm

Dick and Carol Banghart

CASA Advocates, 2004-2021

Dick and Carol Banghart have been a husband-and-wife team who have served together as CASA advocates since the inception of our local CASA program in Lake County in 2004. Before this, they served as CASA advocates for the tribe. Over time, their growing abilities allowed them to handle some of our most difficult cases. Through it all, they continued to attend nearly all our in-service training and were always willing to offer a calming suggestion to advocates looking for direction. In their impressive 17 years of service, they logged thousands of volunteer hours. In 2018, Dick and Carol were awarded the Montana CASA/GAL Advocate of the Year Award for setting the standard of professionalism and diplomacy as CASA advocates, and building on one another's strengths for the good of the children we serve.
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Topic: Farwell Bangharts
Time: Apr 19, 2021 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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